Sunday, September 23, 2012

Day Off. Still Working.

                                               New Home Uniform Fresh out of Dryer

It's Sunday, and I spent the day cutting grass and washing the stinky uniforms.  That OXI-Clean stuff is amazing.  The uniforms really came out nice and clean.  Instead of stuffing them back into the garbage can, I laid out the jerseys and pants and took then directly down to the football facility to avoid wrinkling.  I know it does not look like it, but there are a least 40 sets of uniforms resting on the back of my truck. 

This washing machine is AWESOME  This machine will wash about as much as you can stuff into it.  Notice the buckets laying on the floor?  These containers are 5 gallon pails filled with detergent, softener, and a bleach product on an automatic feed system....and none of this stuff is worth a damn.  I went down and purchased the Tide Detergent, and the OXI Clean to wash our game stuff.  Works like a charm.  The big dryer on the left runs off of gas.  And it gets HOT if you don't adjust the temperature.  This machine will dry an entire load of Jerseys in 30 minutes on medium heat. 

Want to know how stupid I am?  When I was a newly single man, I needed a new washing machine.  I went down to Sears and purchased a new top-loader machine which had "Heavy Duty" written on the front of the machine.  I thought:  Well hell, we can stuff as much stuff as we want into our "Heavy Duty" machine at school, so I will stuff my new home washing machine FULL with towels. This was not a good move on my part.  I burned up the new machine the day after I purchased it.  I took it back to Sears and they gave me a new one.  Oh well, "Lesson in Life"  I guess. 

MRSA Machine
A few years ago, we had quite a MRSA scare in the public school system.  This flesh eating bacteria (very resistant to antibiotics) was found on the body of one of our players,  so the school district was forced to buy each HS one of these machines at $20K a piece.  EVERY single piece of equipment we had on inventory (helmets, shoulder pads, knee pads, thigh pads etc..) was disinfected with this machine......twice.  The bacteria was found on two separate players within weeks of one another.  All player's lockers were emptied of all contents, and each locker (and walls) were sprayed with a special disinfectant to kill the bacteria.  As you can imagine, this extra work in the middle of the season was a lot of fun.  This is why we coaches get the BIG BUCKS......27 cents per hour. 
Locker Room STINKS 
I am not going to lie.  The locker room really stinks.  I guess some of the players left their wet and sweaty clothing in their lockers.  Naturally, the smell is really ripe right now.  Look at all the trash laying on the floor. This is sort of what my son's room looked like when he lived at home.  The players will be cleaning tomorrow I am sure. 
I will check in tomorrow.

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