Saturday, October 27, 2012

Eventful Day.

I have just discovered how to post videos on my blog.  Uh-oh.  This may add a whole new dimension to my blogging.  Of course, I will start the videos with the THE NATURE BOY doing what he does best.  WHOOOOOOO!   I am going to have some fun with this new toy. 
I had a long day.  Remember last week when I told you about running into my trailer hitch and messing up my knee?  Well, I am paying the price today.  A huge grapefruit-sized lump quickly formed on my knee.  Of course, I put Ice on the lump for about 30 minutes; then, I went about my business and cut my lawn as usual.  It was sore all week long, but I refused to let anyone see the knee or see me hurt.  I mean, I never really study my feet or my knee, and I knew that my foot and ankle was sore.  I just thought the soreness was just part of my normal ankle-reconstruction pains which I have suffered for years. I noticed my shoe was fitting tighter.  I looked at my foot and ankle, and the damn thing was purple and black with swelling up into my calf. 
Ankle Swelled
Wow.  This leg looked pretty bad.  In my mind, I figured the swelling had ran down my leg, but I was getting a little worried now.  Worst of all, how was I going to hide the injury from the coaches?  How was I going to hide the extent of the injury to our players?  Naturally, I just kept going and walked it a man!  I am so stupid sometimes.  Marty started nagging my butt on Thursday about seeing a doctor.  Did I listen to her?  NO.  I never do.  I am NOT the type of dude who visits the doctor very often.  If Hilary can't fix it, then I will suffer with it. 
Today at practice, I was limping on the field.  I took off my shoe and sock to show Coach Willis.  He about fell over.  He immediately called Hilary (unknown to me) and told her about it.  All the players saw my ankle, and just shook their heads.  Tracy Wilborn (Mason's mom) saw the ankle and pretty much called me out about it.  Other parents and coaches saw my (foot -ankle) and freaked out saying I had a blood clot and it could kill me.  Hmmmm.  I started to worry a little.  Hilary called me on the phone and wanted to see me immediately at the community swimming pool where she was working.  After practice, I went to the pool and showed Hilary.  Again, she was very concerned about the injury.  I decided to go and see the doctor.  Dr. Maes (our team doctor) was not available, so Marty (who is in Georgia) told me to visit the Emergency room at her hospital.  I walked in the Emergency Room and showed them the injury.  They took me right in.  I had a Ultrasound (to check for blood flow and obstructions) and X Rays to check for breaks. I really lucked out. Blood flow was good, so I was out of immediate danger.  As I suspected, the un-checked swelling in my knee drained to my ankle and foot and settled.  The doctor gave me some antibiotics to clear up infection, and released me to go home.  It was scary for a minute.
  I want to thank everyone who cares about me.  Marty is out of town, so I was alone for all of this.  Tracy Wilborn checked on me many times; in fact, she was coming up to the hospital (to be with me) until I reassured her I was OK.  My Coaching buddies were very concerned about me.  I  passed the time texting with them during the five hours I was in the hospital.  Thanks to Hilary and her guidance.  I really love the people I work with.  We do care about one another. 
Back to football.  We had a GREAT practice today.  The coaches reported to work at 10am to officially begin our preparation for South Fork.  The kids came in at noon for a short (Thursday-style)
workout.  The team was on fire, and we were very sharp.  This really pleased the coaches, and we got off the field quickly.  We are ready to play on Monday night.....and Friday night.  Coach Miller seemed a little more at ease today.  We tried to spar verbally a little, but we were not fooling anyone.  The kids were pretty much laughing at our pathetic attempts to appear angry with one another. I was able to give him a decent look on scout team this week, so that alone kept him calmer.  I WAS the one who was on edge, for I was worried about giving HIM a decent look on scout offense.  Without a doubt, the defense is ready to play Monday. 
I am done.  More tomorrow. 

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