Kirby: Little Miss Innocent
Kirby and Grice Playing
Grice getting ready for Grass Drills
Kelsey and Kirby
Just some random thoughts tonight. I am so nervous about the playoff game that I can't concentrate and write a complete sentence.
Thinking about my kids seems to relax me a little. I love these babies more than life itself.
Had a GREAT week of practice. Kids are ready to play. It's funny. It seems like the kids are really having fun right now, and we are practicing so loose. Even Bethel is allowing the kids to have some fun.
Brad DeMarco is ready to play. Truthfully, I did not think he would be ready to go so soon. Ankle injuries are a real bitch. He followed the rehab instructions and recovered nicely. Severe high ankle sprain to playing in less than 10 days. Amazing.
We are healthy going into the biggest game in SRHS's history. Hakeem is on fire this week. OJ is really focused and Cooper is feeling it right now. Damn, I am getting sick again.
I love our big linemen. I try to tap the top of their helmets every single day. I am constantly letting them know I love them all, and I appreciate every single one of them. We are not very deep, but we have a nice lineup.
Our damn defense is fast....very fast. Miller and Perry has those kids playing at the top of their game right now. I hate scrimmaging against them to be honest. They know our offense so well that it makes it hard to get a play off. We need for them to have a great game. I am their biggest fan on the sideline. I don't say much to them (as far as corrections) but I am constantly conversing with them on the sideline. I love these kids.
My head is going to explode. My ears are ringing.
We have a lot of people hanging around right now. Where were these people when we were 0-2 to start the season? I am hearing a lot of compliments in the public. I guess we know what we are doing again.
Field looks really good for our game.
I can't look at anymore video on Heritage. Now I am starting to get pissed at them.
My mood is changing the closer we get to the game. I am TIGHT TIGHT right now. Even the Coaches know that I change for big games. Perry, Joe and Jefferson say that they had better talk to me today, because I won't be talking to them tomorrow.
Miller is just as bad as I am. I have been texting with him tonight. He is throwing up too. We MUST be related in some way.
Randy had a bad accident in front of the school today. He was turning left into the school, and he was hit broadside by an arriving student. Thankfully no one was hurt.
Hey, I have to end this session. My head is spinning. I can't concentrate. Tomorrow is a big day for all of us. See you at the game
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